Innovation Award for Niels Van Quaquebeke

KLU Professor Niels Van Quaquebeke

Niels Van Quaquebeke, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at KLU, has won the Innovation Award conferred by the Industrial, Organizational, and Economic Psychology chapter of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft der Psychologen e.V., DGPs). The award ceremony took place during the chapter's annual conference in Dresden on September 14, 2017.

Van Quaquebeke received the Innovation Award for his article on Respectful Inquiry. His findings indicate that asking questions can increase employee motivation. In the keynote to the award ceremony, he pointed out a critical aspect of the theory: “Asking questions is not enough. On the one hand, you have to ask the right type of questions. On the other, you have to make people feel you are truly interested in hearing their answers.”

With its Innovation Award, DGPs honors researchers who have contributed to the field of Industrial, Organizational, and Economic Psychology in a particularly innovative way. The award is conferred biennially.