Supply Chain Digital Twins

Zoom Research Seminar

Past event — 17 March 2021

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Falk Freese

PhD Candidate

Kühne Logistics University - KLU

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My Ph.D. project at KLU is in the area of computer science and logistics. The research focuses on digital twin technology. A digital twin is defined as virtual, digital equivalent of a material or immaterial object or process from the real world. The focus of my research is in the context of supply chain and how digital twin technology can support planning, production and monitoring activities. I investigate which components are relevant for supply chain digital twins and how they can be implemented. In this context, I furthermore investigate the determinants that lead to the adoption of digital twins. Finally, my research aims to gain insights into the business value contribution of digital twins in the supply chain.


Falk Freese is a PhD candidate at Kühne Logistics University in the field of Computer Science in Logistics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. André Ludwig and Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg. He is conducting research at the intersection of supply chain management and information systems. Falk Freese received his Master’s degree in Information Systems from the University of Bamberg in 2018. In his master thesis, he empirically investigated the adoption of cryptocurrencies and user resistance behavior. Falk completed his Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management in Nuremberg with a specialization in web engineering. In addition to his academic education, Falk gained practical experience as a consultant for software tests.


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Bärbel Wegener

Assistant to Resident Faculty