Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch


Professor of Digital Economy

Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch


Professor of Digital Economy

Selected Presentations


  • Schnier, J., Raasch. C., Schweisfurth, T. (2022), When evaluators become ideators: How idea evaluation triggers idea creation. Open and User Innovation Conference. Also IPDMC (Innovation and Product Development Management Conference 2022).
  • Schöttl, C., Raasch, C., Schweisfurth, T. (2022), How does the focus of proactive behavior affect decentralized idea selection? A field experiment, Open and User Innovation Conference.
  • Schnier, J., Raasch. C., Schweisfurth, T. (2022), When evaluators become ideators: How idea evaluation triggers idea creation. Open and User Innovation Conference.


  • Schnier, J. and Raasch, C., Patat, F. (2021) The Sky is the limit: The bias against large projects, Strategic Management Society Conference. Also Open and User Innovation Conference, DRUID, and MPI Seminar Series (Munich).
  • Lojo, T., Raasch, C. (2021), Disentangling the effects of domestic customer collaboration on exports - The innovation and information effects. Economics Research Seminar, University of Jena (June 2021).
  • Raasch, C. (2021), DUI innovation – A perspective from Open and User Innovation research, Invited talk at Conference "The Innovation Mode of Doing, Using and Interacting – Learning within Firms, Value Chains and Regions", funded by BMBF (Feb. 2021).


  • Lojo, T., Raasch, C., Dohse, D. (2020), Does user collaboration boost firms’ exports? IfW All Institute Seminar (1.9.2020).
  • Raasch, C. (2020), What’s interesting in OUI research (2020). Invited Talk at OUI Conference (June 2020).


  • Lojo, T., Raasch, C. (2019), User collaboration and firm exports, Open and User Innovation Conference.
  • Schweisfurth, T., Raasch, C., Greul, A. (2019), Will employees try again? – Contingencies of serial idea submissions, Open and User Innovation Conference.


  • Bode, E., Dohse, D., Raasch, C. (2017), The impact of digitalization on user innovation, IfW Research Catwalk.
  • Schweisfurth, T., Zaggl, M., Schöttl, C., Raasch, C. (2017), Does similarity between evaluator and creator affect the evaluation of ideas?, presented at: CINet (John Bessant Best Paper Award), Academy of Management Conference (Best Paper Proceedings), Open and User Innovation Conference, Kiel Global Economic Symposium, MPI Munich Summer Institute, and Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) Faculty Workshop.
  • Greul, A., Schweisfurth, T., Raasch, C., Wu, Chiahuei (2017), Individual search and innovation performance in open innovation, Open and User Innovation Conference.

Peer-Reviewed Conferences


  • Preissner, S., Raasch, C. (2016), Disruption by users? - Analyzing the sources of historical breakthrough innovations, Academy of Management Conference.


  • De Jong, J., Wu, C., Poldervaart, S., Raasch, C. (2015), A necessity perspective on innovation: Lead userness and individual innovative behavior, Open and User Innovation Conference.
  • Zaggl, M., Raasch, C. (2015), Conditions for private-collective innovation: The role of rivalry, excludability, and incentives, Academy of Management Conference.


  • Schweisfurth, T., Raasch, C. (2014), Does it pay to be open? Firms, community-based innovation and value creation, Academy of Management Conference.
  • Schweisfurth, T., Raasch, C. (2014), Serving two masters? Academy of Management Conference.
  • Preissner, S., Raasch, C. (2014), Exploring the functional sources of disruptive innovation, Open and User Innovation Conference.
  • Zaggl, M., Raasch, C. (2014), Exploring the contingencies of private-collective innovation – An agent-based model, DRUID Society Conference.
  • Zaggl, M., Raasch, C. (2014), A general model of intellectual property systems based on social norms, NYU Workshop on Medical User Innovation and Medical Commons.
  • Preissner, S., Raasch, C. (2014), Exploring the functional sources of disruptive innovation, International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC).


  • Von Hippel, E., Raasch, C. (2012), User-contested and user-complemented markets: Impacts on market outcomes and social welfare, DRUID Society Conference.
  • Grünewald, C., Raasch, C., Herstatt, C. (2012), Selective openness, fairness and the motivation to contribute to open source software development, DRUID Society Conference.
  • Schweisfurth, T., Raasch, C. (2012), Lead users as firm employees: How are they different and why does it matter?, Academy of Management Conference.


  • Lee, V., Raasch, C., Herstatt, C., Späth, S. (2011), Open source innovation as a phenomenon-based research field, EURAM, Tallinn, June 2011.
  • Raasch, C. (2011), Modes of innovation and social welfare: A model and policy implications, Consortium for Competitiveness and Cooperation (CCC) Colloquium, Cambridge, USA, April 2011.


  • Balka, K., Raasch, C., Herstatt, C. (2010), Open Source Innovation: A study of openness and community expectations, DIME Conference, Milano, April 2010.


  • Raasch, C., Herstatt, C. (2009), Open design: Issues for the organization of innovation, EIASM Workshop on Information and Organization Design, Brussels, May 2009.
  • Raasch, C., Balka, K., Herstatt, C., Abdelkafi, N. (2009), The open source model – Beyond software, EURAM Conference, Liverpool, May 2009.
  • Balka, K., Raasch, C., Herstatt, C. (2009), Open Source beyond software: An empirical investigation of the open design phenomenon, RADMA conference, Vienna, June 2009.


  • Raasch, C., Herstatt, C., Blecker, T., Abdelkafi, N. (2008), Open Source – Out of software? IPDMC, Hamburg, June/July  2008.

Invited talks given to managers and policy makers

  • Open innovation and technological breakthroughs – Some perspectives based on research at TUM. TUM 2014, 2016. (Talks given before foreign delegations visiting TUM)
  • Open and user innovation – How firms can benefit. TUM (2014). (Talk given before foreign delegations visiting TUM)
  • The “Live Case” Collaboration between Siemens and TUM School of Management, Siemens Competitive Intelligence Conference (2014).
  • Investigation of problems in the healthcare system: Findings from a survey, Tekes/Ministry for Employment and the Economy, Helsinki (2013).
  • Understanding the demand for openness. Innovation Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (2011).
  • Finding potential “bottlenecks” YOU can build a platform upon (with Carliss Baldwin)  Innovation Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (2010).