Fab City: Decentralized Digital Innovation Processes for Urban Value Creation - Subproject on "Citizen Innovation"

Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Funded by Federal Ministry of Defense (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung BMVg), Zentrum für Digitalisierung- und Technologieforschung DTEC.Bw (Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr)

Brief description

How can citizens be included in the generation of ideas? This project study how citizens help create ideas (Ideation), evaluate others' ideas (Evaluation), and implement those ideas judged best (Implementation).  It accompanies the FabCity innovation challenges and aim to expand our understanding of decetralized digital innovation processes. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Defense (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung BMVg).

Project purpose

This project accompany the FabCity innovation challenges and and aim to expand our understanding of decetralized digital innovation processes. We examine the role of citizens as source of innovation and value creation. We study three stages of these challenges: The creation of ideas (Ideation), their assessment (Evaluation) and their realization (Implementation). We seek answers to the following questions: (1) How can citizens be included in the generation of ideas? In particular, how does the way in which citizens are adressed influence their participation? (2) How do citizens evaluation innovative ideas? Specifically, what factors - besides idea quality - influence their assessments? (3) How do idea creators use the physical FabCity infrastructure to implement their ideas? To this end, we collect primary data at different stages of the FabCity Project, most importantly during innovation challenges that involve citizens as contributors and evaluators of ideas. Overall, this project seeks to contribute to research in the areas of innovation communities, crowdsourcing, and idea evaluation.


Digital Transformation, Creating Value

Project partners

Helmut Smith University (HSU), Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Bucerius Law School (BLS), Kühne Logistics University (KLU)

Project Team

Johanna Schnier (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Contact person

Profile image

Johanna Schnier

PhD Candidate